The AMEDEO MINGHI FAN CLUB U.S.A. is a non-profit organization, founded on August 31, 1995, with the following objectives in mind:
- To provide Amedeo's fans currently existing in the United States with the opportunity to express
their admiration for Amedeo in a meaningful way.- To provide Amedeo's English-speaking fans all over the world with the same opportunity.
- To introduce Amedeo's music to the American public.
- To show Amedeo the support and affection of his fans through their association with the Fan Club.
Most of the members of the AMFC-USA are from the New York metropolitan area, but there are also representatives from other states and other countries.
If you wish to join our Fan Club, write to us or send us an E - Mail for more details, click here for |address|. You will receive a membership card upon completion of a registration form.
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The Fan Club organizes meetings once or twice a year: usually after the release of a new album, around Christmas time, or some time in the spring. Whenever possible, our meetings are coordinated with events or reunions in Italy also attended by Amedeo. This gives our members the opportunity to communicate with Amedeo on the telephone.
On FEBRUARY 7th, 2001, we held our Tenth Fan Club Reunion. It was a wonderful opportunity to get together, listen to Amedeo's music and catch up with his latest news. As usual, the highlight of the event was our telephone conversation with Amedeo who, at that time, was attending the reunion of his Italian Fan Club in Rome. We exchanged greetings with his Italian fans and were able to talk to Amedeo for a few minutes. He told us about the fan reunion in Rome and of all the people who came from so far away to be with him on that day. He was particularly excited about a special guest: the great-grand-daughter of ANITA GARIBALDI. Amedeo was very appreciative of our effort to connect with them, and asked me to convey his warmest greetings to all the members of our Fan Club.
On NOVEMBER 30th, 2002, we held our Eleventh Fan Club Reunion. Several of our members came from different locations, including Boston. It gave them the opportunity to listen for the first time to Amedeo's new album: L'ALTRA FACCIA DELLA LUNA, which was received with overwhelming enthusiasm and approval. As usual, in the course of our gathering, we also had the pleasure to connect with Amedeo, who, at that time, was attending the reunion of his Italian Fan Club, in Rome. We talked to him on a speaker-phone. We congratulated him on his new album, and expressed our desire to see him perform in the United States in a not too distant future. Amedeo responded with affection and appreciation for our interest in his music. As always, the phone call was the highlight our our meeting, and we do hope to see him soon here in the U.S.
On JULY 12th, 2003, we held our Twelfth Fan Club Reunion. Since it was a beautiful sunny day, we spent most of the time outdoors. It was wonderful to be with friends who share the same feelings for Amedeo's music. Even though this time we were not able to talk to Amedeo on the telephone, we were still happy to have the opportunity to get together and listen to his beautiful music. As always, we had a great time.
On JANUARY 29, 2005, eight days after the release of Amedeo Minghi's new album SU di ME, we held our Thirteenth Fan Club Reunion. It was attended by many of our local members. (Above are a few pictures of some of the people who attended).
In addition to the pleasure of getting together, this meeting gave everyone the opportunity to listen to Amedeo's new album, which surrounded us with the most exquisite melodies. We listened to every song, and followed the words from copies of their written texts. It was clear from the reaction of all present, that the new album will be received with great enthusiasm also by Amedeo's fans in the United States.
Our reunion culminated with a telephone call to Amedeo, who was attending a special event organized by his cultural association PRIMULA, in Rome. It gave us the opportunity to express to him our feelings regarding his new album. It was a perfect ending for a very enjoyable afternoon.
Thank you, Amedeo, for your appreciation of our efforts! Thank you for your beautiful music, which has brought us together in many meaningful ways.
(Grazie, Amedeo, del tuo apprezzamento di ciò che facciamo! Grazie della tua bellissima musica che ci ha uniti in molti modi significativi.)
On DECEMBER 17, 2005, we held our FOURTEENTH Fan Club Reunion. It was wonderful to get together at this special time of the year and share the latest news about Amedeo. Sitting by the Christmas tree and in the warmth of a lit fireplace, we listened to his songs, especially "MERRY CHRISTMAS" from his album ANITA. It is a beautiful song with a very positive message especially in the troubled times in which we live. We listened to it many times and followed the text on a written sheet, until many of our members were able to actually sing it. As usual, the highlight of our meeting was the telephone call to Amedeo who was very happy to talk to us, and grateful for our willingness to dedicate an afternoon to him and to his music.
As always, thank you, Amedeo, for your appreciation of our efforts! It is always a great pleasure to listen to your music in the company of people sharing the same feelings and admiration.
(Come sempre, grazie, Amedeo, del tuo apprezzamento di ciò che facciamo! E' sempre un grande piacere ascoltare la tua musica in compagnia di persone che condividono le stesse emozioni e la stessa ammirazione.)
On DECEMBER 30, 2006, we held our FIFTEENTH Fan Club Reunion. Meeting at this time of the year, surrounded by the lingering joy of Christmas and the anticipation of the new year, made our reunion a very festive one. We had the pleasure to welcome two new members from Long Island who had been looking forward to meeting with us for a long time. Much time was spent listening to Amedeo's songs both old and new including selections from IL FANTASTICO MONDO DI AMEDEO MINGHI, Amedeo's first recording LA FINE (from his recently released PLATINUM COLLECTION), his outstanding songs ROMA and ST. MICHEL and, obviously, his song MERRY CHRISTMAS (from the album ANITA). Much attention was given to the lyrics and their English translation which greatly contributed to the appreciation of Amedeo's wonderful music. We also watched a video of Amedeo's performance at the Fifth Avenue Columbus Day Parade of October 9, 2006, which was very much appreciated by those who did not have a chance to see the performance live or on TV.
As usual, we had refreshments and delicious desserts contributed by the participants. Our very cheery and pleasant afternoon was enhanced by our telephone call to Amedeo. He knew that we were meeting and planning to call him at a certain time and, even though he had just finished a concert in Rome at the time of our call, he made a strong effort to be available to talk to us.
Thank you, Amedeo,for your sincere affection and appreciation of what we do. We wish you and your family a wonderful, exciting, healthy New Year!
Grazie, Amedeo, del tuo sincero affetto e apprezzamento di ciò che facciamo. Grazie della tua bellissima musica, le cui dolci e magiche note risvegliano in noi forti emozioni. GRAZIE DI CUORE e auguri di un meraviglioso Anno Nuovo a te e ai tuoi cari.
On DECEMBER 15, 2007, we held our SIXTEENTH Fan Club Reunion. Even though quite a few members were not able to join us due to an impending threat of a major snow storm later that day, we had a wonderful time. As we always do when we have reunions around this time, we sat by the Christmas tree and a sparkling fire listening to our favorites Amedeo's songs, especially MERRY CHRISTMAS which was on everybody's lips throughout the afternoon. We talked about Amedeo's accomplishments in 2007, including the composition of a music score for the movie "L'ALLENATORE NEL PALLONE 2" with Lino Banfi, scheduled to be released soon after Christmas. (See more details on our News Page) We also discussed how Amedeo's music has such an emotional impact on people of every age. If only it were possible for him to give concerts in the U.S. - wouldn't that be wonderful? For now, we are grateful that at least we can talk to him on the phone. In fact, the most exciting part of our afternoon was when we connected with him by phone. The opportunity that Amedeo gave us to talk to him and wish him our best for Christmas and the New Year was the nicest gift he could have given us. He told us about the meeting he had with the members of his Italian fan Club PRIMULA in Rome earlier that day, and about his upcoming concert of February 2, 2008, a special music event under the auspices of the city of Rome, honoring his career of forty years in music. (See more details on our News Page) He was very appreciative of our interest in his music, and extended his best wishes to all the members of our Fan Club. After the telephone call, we celebrated our joyful event with champagne and delicious desserts. HERE'S TO YOU, AMEDEO! HAPPY NEW YEAR! May it be a year of great achievements, and may you continue to fill our hearts with the melodies of your exquisite music. GRAZIE DI CUORE della tua disponibilità e affetto!
On JANUARY 10, 2009, we held our SEVENTEENTH Fan Club Reunion. This time we thought more people would be able to attend since the pressure of Christmas and the end of the year activities were removed. Not so! One more time, as it happened last year, a major snow storm predicted for later that day, disappointed our expectations. Nonetheless, we had a wonderful time as usual. We enjoyed each other's company and, as always, celebrated the occasion by listening to Amedeo's beautiful songs, in particular those from the 2008 the concert at the "Auditorium della Conciliazione" in Rome. We did connect with Amedeo by telephone and, to our delight, this time we had the privilege of talking to him for a longer time than usual. We talked about his future plans including the possibility of seeing his famous song "1950" become the basis/inspiration for a movie. Needless to say, this was the highlight of our meeting. THANK YOU AMEDEO FOR ALWAYS BEEN AVAILABLE TO US AND FOR YOUR GENUINE APPRECIATION AND AFFECTION. WE WISH YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ALL YOUR ENDEVOURS. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
On DECEMBER 6, 2009, we held our EIGHTEENTH Fan Club Reunion. One more time, a major snow storm on the way made it difficult for many of our members to attend. We still had a great time. We enjoyed each other company surrounded by the warmth of a glowing fire and Amedeo's wonderful music. We watched his latest videos and listened to his latest recordings, including the two songs he dedicated to the French poet Baudelaire: "L'homme et la mer" and "La musique", included in his triple CD "AMEDEO MINGHI ALL'AUDITORIUM L'ASCOLTERANNO GLI AMERICANI". As in our past reunions, we had the pleasure to connect with Amedeo on the phone. He was as gracious as always, appreciating our admiration for his music and effort to convene in spite of the bad weather. He stayed quite a while on the phone allowing each one of us to talk to him and express our feelings regarding his music, such as those by one of our members, printed below:"...Vorrei dire che mi piace molto la Sua musica, specialmente "Roma" perche' esprime lo spirito e il mistero di Roma antica e Roma presente. Grazie mille, Amedeo! Buon Natale e Buon Anno!"Last but not least, Amedeo wished all of our members and American fans, his very best for the New Year.
(...I would like to tell you that I like your music very much, especially "Roma" because it expresses the spirit of ancient Rome as well as of Rome today. A thousand thanks, Amedeo! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
On NOVEMBER 19, 2011, we held our NINETEENTH Fan Club Reunion. Luckily this time we had fair weather which allowed more people to attend. Infact, we had the pleasure of enjoying the company of a few members we hadn't seen in a long time. Since this year Italy is celebrating the 150th anniversary of its unification, we saw it fit to watch a video of Amedeo Minghi's concert "ANITA", held in Verona at the "Teatro Filarmonico" on May 28, 2001. Amedeo dedicated his album "ANITA" to Anita Garibaldi, wife of Giuseppe Garibaldi who fought heroically for the unification of Italy. The music beautifully reflects the various facets of Anita's vicissitudes, her hardships, her heroism and loyalty to Giuseppe and his ideals. The album is available in all record stores, and can also be purchased online at Amedeo Minghi's website:
We also talked about Amedeo's recent events and future plans. Unfortunately, we didn't have the pleasure to connect with him over the phone this time. There was a connection problem! We still enjoyed our reunion, and do hope that Amedeo will soon have the opportunity to perform in the U.S. Wouldn't that be wonderful!
Thank you to all who came to our Fan Club Reunion on November 21, 2015. Because of you, we had a most enjoyable afternoon.
Thank you also to Amedeo Minghi who graciously allowed us to connect with him by telephone. It was for us a most wonderful gift.
GRAZIE DI CUORE, AMEDEO, da tutti noi!
Our Heartfelt Thanks to Amedeo, who graciously connected with us by telephone during our Reunion of December 3rd.
Grazie di cuore, caro Amedeo, di averci cosi benevolmente concesso di parlarti al telefono durante la nostra riunione del 3 dicembre. E' stato per noi un piacere immenso, e te ne siamo tutti molto grati.
Thank you also to all who came to our Reunion of December 3rd. Your presence was greatly appreciated, and made this event most enjoyable.
On April 15, 2018, we held our Twentysecond Fan Club Reunion, which was attended by many of our members and friends. Unfortunately, we were not able to connect with Amedeo by telephone, but we still had a wonderful time.
My heartfelt thanks to all who came. Your presence was greatly appreciated.
On November 17, 2019, we held our 23rd Fan Club Reunion, which was attended by many of our members and friends.
In addition to the pleasure of getting together, this meeting gave everyone the opportunity to catch up with Amedeo's latest news, and to listen to his latest single "E...John" dedicated to John Lennon and Yoko Ono on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, had John been still alive. We listened to the song, followed its lyrics from copies of the written text, and had an interesting discussion on its meaning. As always, our afternoon was filled with Amedeo's many other melodies, the pleasure of each other's company, refreshments and many delicious desserts generously contributed by the participants.
During the Reunion, we had the great pleasure to connect with Amedeo by phone and have a wonderful conversation which, to our surprise, he livestreamed on his Facebook Page.
Thank you, Amedeo, for this wonderful gift much appreciated by all of us. GRAZIE DI CUORE!
Thank you also to all the participants who made our Reunion so meaningful and enjoyable. Mariagrazia
Click on the following link to listen to the conversation:
November 1st, 2001
On Thursday, November 1st, 2001, Amedeo Minghi performed in a benefit concert at the Manhattan Center Studios, in New York City. The concert, entitled "Rinascere Insieme", featured three other Italian artists and was organized by Radio Italia. It was sponsored by the Italian Region of Lombardy and various Italian organizations as a gesture of friendhip and solidarity with the people of New York City, after the tragic events of September 11th, and as an expression of solidarity with the Italian-American community of New York City. Click here for full details |Past Visits to the U.S.|
March 15, 2006
On March 15, 2006, many members of our Fan Club had the privilege to spend an evening with Amedeo Minghi at our residence where we held a special welcoming reception in his honor. Click here for full details:|Past Visits to the U.S.|
October 9, 2006
Amedeo Minghi was invited by the Columbus Citizen Foundation to perform on the red carpet at the NEW YORK FIFTH AVENUE COLUMBUS DAY PARADE on Monday, October 9, 2006. He was also invited to attend other festive events that preceeded the parade, such as the Sponsor and Media Party and Concert at Grand Central Station, on October 6th, and the Columbus Weekend Gala Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Grand Ballroom, on October 7th. Wherever he went, Amedeo was given a very warm reception and was followed with great interest by the media who photographed him and interviewed him on different occasions. Click here for full details: |Past Visits to the U.S.|